Why I Prioritize Self-Care as a Mom

How often have you put the needs of EVERYONE ELSE ahead of yourself? How often have you cancelled your plans to go to yoga or the gym because you felt you were needed at home or at work? Last night I went to a yoga deep stretch and relaxation class at 8:15 pm. When I left at 7:45 pm the kids were still awake and both of them were crying. Maddie wanted cuddles on the rocking chair in her room and Layla wanted me to chat with her in her bed, these are parts of our nighttime routine. I explained to them that I had to go out for a little bit but that I would be back soon and that I’d be there when they woke up. My husband was home and he would be putting them to bed. He works shift work, so bedtime is often something I do. Leaving crying kids is not fun but I also need to take care of myself.

​My girls might choose to become moms one day, and if they go down that path, I want to have set an example of a mom who takes care of herself. I want them to know that being a mom and going out with friends is normal and healthy. Having hobbies is healthy. Sitting down and watching a movie together as a family is healthy, even if there is a bathroom to be cleaned or floors to be vacuumed or dishes to be washed. I believe that kids would rather have a mom who feels balanced and centered than a spotless home (I think I’m doing a really good job on letting my kids see a home that is not always clean LOL).

Are you able to find some time this week for yourself? I schedule time for myself each week on our family calendar. My husband has begun to do the same. We treat these times like appointments and so far, it has been working. Time to ourselves helps us to enjoy the time we have with each other and our kids more. If you had a couple of hours this week to yourself what would you do with that time?