Why I started this Blog

​I am going to let you all in on where my Teacher Mom journey has led me this Fall.

Becoming a mother has led me on a path I never knew I would be on. I fully expected my life to revolve almost entirely around my children, and don’t get me wrong, it usually does, BUT I am amazed at how much I have changed as an individual. I have found myself trying new things that had never occurred to me years prior. If you follow me on social media, you know that I started a Teacherspayteachers store as a creative outlet while continuing to battle post-partum anxiety and depression. TPT led me to creating an Instagram account that has connected me with so many fantastic teachers and also a whole bunch of moms of young children.
In following these women, I started to realize how many of these teachers and moms were struggling to take care of themselves. I realized that I too had been neglecting my own self-care and needed to take care of myself so much more than I currently was. I began googling self-care coaches for moms and teachers and quickly came across Mama Bliss Coaching. Mama Bliss Coaching is an online academy that provides moms with the tools and framework to begin coaching themselves on the four pillars of Mama Bliss (self-care, creativity, values and simplicity) and later, coaching other moms. This was exactly what I was looking for. These four pillars were things I had journaled about recently and wanted to work on. I was currently listening to “Simplicity Parenting” by Kim John Payne so obviously it was meant to be! Amirite? If I could put a “tongue sticking out emoji” here I totally would. So far, I have been delving into coaching myself in self-care and creativity and taking a deeper look into my values and I am already feeling the benefits. Not to say that I’m completely blissed out all of the time. I mean, I still have 2 tiny children that are extremely attached to me and my life is far from perfect, but Mama Bliss Coaching is giving me the tools to continue to coach myself as I journey towards wellness. I can’t believe I am putting this out in the world right now, but I plan on coaching other moms and teachers when I feel ready. I want to pass on the bliss!