The Best Vanilla Latte Recipe for Busy Moms

Make your own vanilla latte without a fancy machine at home. You can vanilla extract to make a tasty latte without having to go out and spend any money. Enjoy your favourite hot coffee drink in the comfort of your own home.


I love heading out to Starbucks and ordering a vanilla latte. It’s not too sweet and it tastes so good, especially when it’s super hot. My favourite is doing a mobile order as soon as lunchtime at work starts and then zipping out to pick it up.

Sometimes though, I just cant justify leaving the house with my kids to get one. It seems like a lot of effort to pack the little ones into their car seats and leave the house. Right?

My kids have started to play nicely together for longer periods of time. Sometimes they’ll be up in one of their bedrooms playing pretend and I use this time to make myself a hot coffee. So good. I love having my latte in my self-care space at home.

I find that taking some time each day helps my mental health so much.

I do have a Nespresso machine which I am in love with but you could make a DIY vanilla latte with any cup of strong coffee.

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the best diy vanilla latte recipe

Vanilla latte Recipe with vanilla extract

To make this delicious latte at home I start with fresh and strong brewed coffee. The coffee needs to be strong because we don’t want it to taste diluted after adding in the milk. Nobody likes a watered down coffee. I like to drink my water before my coffee. It helps keep me hydrated and therefore less grumpy.

Add half a cup of milk into a small pot along with 1 tsp of maple syrup and 1/4 tsp of vanilla extract. If you prefer an unsweetened latte you can omit the maple syrup or adjust the amount to your liking. I used to prefer really sweet lattes but now I am liking things a little less sweet. What do you prefer?

easy diy vanilla latte recipe at home

Heat the milk over low/medium heat and continue to whisk it until it becomes nice and frothy.

Once your milk is hot and foamy, pour it into your coffee and that’s it! A super simple vanilla latte that you can make in under 10 minutes!

simple vanilla recipe latte you can make at home

I know I’m having a really lucky day when I can get the latte made AND drink it while the kids are still playing ;)

I used cow’s milk in the recipe because it tastes the best in coffee to me, but it is higher in sugar than most dairy-free alternatives. Sometimes I use almond milk or oat milk as well.

Here’s a little breakdown of the nutritional info of the milks:

2% Cow Milk

calories: 130

fat: 5 g

protein: 9 g

carbs: 12 g

sugar: 12 g

Unsweetened almond milk

calories: 30

fat: 2.5 g

protein: 1 g

carbs: 1 g

sugar: 0 g

Unsweetened oat milk:

calories: 130

fat: 5 g

protein: 4 g

carbs: 19 g

sugar: 6 g

easy simple vanilla latte recipe for busy moms at home

I recently got a milk frother with my Nespresso machine and it has changed my life. Ok, maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but for real, it has seriously upped my coffee game. You can totally make this recipe in a pot like I’ve already suggested but it wouldn’t hurt to put a milk frother on your Christmas list!

Here’s the short version of the recipe. I hope you like it!


  • 1 cup of strong brewed coffee (I used Nespresso pods)

  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1 tsp maple syrup

  • 1/2 cup of milk (I used cow’s milk but you could also use a dairy-free alternative)


  1. Brew your coffee. The stronger the better!

  2. Pour the milk along with the vanilla extract and maple syrup into a small pot. Heat over low/med heat and whisk until it becomes hot and foamy

  3. Pour the milk into your coffee and add whipped cream if you like.


Do you make lattes at home or do you prefer to head out to buy one?

Try this recipe and let me know what you think in the comments!


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