How to prevent people from touching your baby during cold and flu season
Let’s face it. People love babies. People want to hold babies, touch babies, hug babies and kiss babies…BUT DO NOT TOUCH MY MOTHER TRUCKING BABY DURING A MOTHER TRUCKING VIRAL OUTBREAK (or any cold or flu season ever for that matter)…or at any time of the year if you are a stranger.
I wish I could say “nuff said” said but I can’t. When Layla was 7 months old we traveled to South Africa. It was a long-ass flight and I remember my husband and I taking turns walking her up and down the aisles when we were trying to settle her. There were women on the plane who were so happy to see a baby that they would actually grab her hands and kiss them. I know they meant well but DUDE! I didn’t know if those ladies were sick! I was not impressed. Luckily we had a supply of hand sanitizer and wipes on hand and used them a lot. Babies put their hands in their mouths all the time and the last thing I wanted was a stranger’s mouth germs entering my precious babe.
At that time I started thinking about ways I could prevent people from touching my kid and here’s what I came up with
Avoid public places
Yup, it’s a no brainer lol. I know this isn’t always possible, but if you have a tiny baby you might want to leave them at home while you go shopping. There’s less of a chance that someone can get all germy on you. Plus, leaving the house for a short time without the baby can be freeing. Get it girl.
Baby-wearing was my saviour when my kids were babies. Not only was I able to baby-wear on walks outside but I would baby-wear at the mall or in any stores. We had the Ergo 360 and it had this sort of flap that would cover my baby’s head when she fell asleep. It was like a barrier against all sneezes.
Baby leaf Cover
Baby Leaf covers can be worn as ponchos during pregnancy, used as nursing covers, stroller covers or baby-wearing covers. I think you can even turn wear it as a scarf! They have a two-way zipper so you can cover up your baby while opening up a little window for them to see through. When your baby falls asleep you can close the zipper. I’m all about convenience and things with multiple uses so this cover speaks to me. When my girls were babies I would use mine all the time to protect them from people’s nasty coughs.
*This is not sponsored in any way. I just love these covers.
Maddie all cozy on a summertime walk
Ok, that’s all I’ve got for now. If you have any other suggestions please leave them in the comments! Let’s stay healthy!